I’m enjoying these JavaScript exercises; they are enhancing my understanding of the language. However, I often find myself Googling explanations for why certain things are written the way they are in JavaScript. I’m not sure if that makes sense, but I generally prefer to understand the reasoning behind a function’s behavior. When I seek help…
Author: desertkitten_md0op6
Happy Friday!
I didn’t get home until 6 PM last night, so I didn’t manage to write. I had my hearing test yesterday, and I wasn’t surprised by the results—I already anticipated that it wouldn’t go well. Kel and I left the house at 11 AM and headed over to her dad’s place. Unfortunately, he wasn’t feeling…
London calling
Tommy stayed home sick today, so I spent the day coding and taking care of him. He’s currently asleep. The weather outside is quite nice—unseasonably warm. I’ve been reflecting on the cruise we have planned for July/August, during which we will be in London for a few days. I did some research on London’s history,…
The weather has been quite unusual lately. I have a feeling a cold snap is on the horizon. Today is surprisingly warm, to the point where our pellet stove hasn’t even needed to be turned on, as it’s comfortable inside. According to the forecast, temperatures are expected to drop by the end of this week….
Hello Monday
The main part of my desk has finally arrived! Tommy began working on it yesterday, starting with sanding it down. I also chose the stain color, opting for a pretty red mahogany. We plan to add legs to the butcher block, and the shelves will come later. I’m really excited about my new desk! This…
The longest January
I try to distance myself from the news, but it’s challenging when I scroll through Facebook and encounter countless posts about current events around the world. It’s truly heartbreaking what’s happening out there. The recent plane crash is utterly terrifying, and it’s absurd to see it being politicized. Then there was a school shooting about…
The week is almost over
It snowed a bit this morning, but now it’s just cloudy and windy. I’m finding it difficult to focus today, and I’m not entirely sure why. It feels like I need to be doing something, which is preventing me from concentrating on my coding. Overall, I’m managing my coding tasks, but I wish I could…
More snow
The forecast predicts snow showers for today. Although it’s cloudy outside, there hasn’t been any snow yet. Next week, temperatures are expected to reach the 60s, which is unusually warm for this time of year. I wonder if a storm is on the horizon, as I’ve noticed that warmer weather often precedes a storm. I’ve…
Brushup on JavaScript
Today, I am reviewing JavaScript. I grasp the concepts, but I find myself struggling to piece everything together independently. Today’s focus was on the array methods: .map, .filter, and .reduce. 1. .map() Purpose: Transforms each element in an array and creates a new array. Use case: When you want to apply a function to every…
Staring at a blank screen
I’ve been sitting here, staring at this screen, unsure what to write. My mind feels like it’s racing and yet completely empty at the same time. I have thoughts swirling around, but I don’t know how to articulate them on paper. I’m back to focusing on JavaScript in my coding studies. I’ve spent hours reviewing…