I’m making tortilla soup at the moment. It’s one of the easiest and quickest soups you can make. We are using leftover turkey for the meat.
Studied strings and arrays in Java. I did pretty well in focusing today. Which is weird cause I’ve been a little anxious today. I try not to read the news. I go out of my way not to read or watch the news. However, it is hard when information is all around us now. Thanks to technology and social media. The news has been making me very anxious lately. And I’m not talking about the deceptive stuff we see on Facebook or Twitter. Although that does annoy me when others believe the crap on Facebook or Twitter. I’m talking about the shootings and murders that have been happening lately. These stories are disheartening. How do others read about these stories and stay sane? I get all the coping mechanisms… putting the phone away, distraction, and exercise. But it doesn’t help when I decide to use my phone when the news is staring me in the face.
Then there is the guilt of needing to be informed. I don’t want to be ignorant. I want to know what is happening around me. But the news is so negative. Almost toxic. I feel for all those people. Should I work harder to get rid of the information from my phone? Or do I somehow become less emotional when I read a story?